Tuesday, July 9, 2013

APPARENTLY, HE WAS DRUNK AT THE TIME:John Travolta is claiming he turned down Denzel Washington's Oscar-nominated role in Flight because he found the opening plane crash scene too unrealistic.  No such complaints were levied against Face/Off and Look Who's Talking, apparently.


  1. jhedman10:31 AM

    Travolta is a pilot. It's a lot easier to go along with sci-fi crazy or absurdly "cute" premises than it is to agree with a project that shows a supposedly realistic scene you know to be impossible.

  2. Apparently John the Pilot didn't have any trouble with the "primitives" in Battlefield Earth piloting fighter jets with 5 minutes of training.

  3. It all goes to whatever field you happen to be an expert in. I'm a CPA. "Stranger Than Fiction" was not ruined for me by the idea that a fictional character could come to live as his story is being written, realize that he is meant to die at the end of the story, and then be "saved" by the author deciding to change the ending of the story. Oh, no. What did it for me was the fact that IRS agent Harold Crick informs the baker that she can claim a deduction for all of the free meals that she has been giving out to the neighborhood homeless. Except one thing. All of those material and labor costs have already been included in her costs of goods sold to begin with. She's already received her deduction. There is no additional "donation" deduction available at that point.

  4. isaac_spaceman7:07 PM

    I have a lot of sympathy for Travolta's position here. The plane crash was ridiculous. It's the kind of physics that only exists in pitches, studio notes, and Hot Wheels toddler car play.
